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Forms of treatment

Depending on the symptoms, I will choose one or more suitable forms of treatment and create an individually tailored therapy plan for you. I personally like to work on several levels at the same time: energetically (acupuncture), emotional (Original Energy Code), herbal (herbal tees), physically (massages, acupressure, foot reflexology, cupping).

Even if your symptoms only appears to be physical, I try to find out whether there could be another reason behind it. I believe that our soul if not heard, finds expression through our body! In order to solve the problem sustainably, a holistic approach is essential.

Hormonelle Dysbalancen, chronische Erschöpfung, chronische Entzündungen...​​

Diese Krankheitsbilder behandle ich ganzheitlich, in dem ich auf seelischer und körperlicher Ebene nach der Ursache suche. Ich arbeite dabei mit Pflanzenheilkunde, spirituellen Heilweisen (wie z.B. Akasha Chronik Lesungen, Energiearbeit), Massagen und Akupressur. Ich selbst habe lange Zeit mit hormonellen Dysbalancen und Zyklusproblemen gekämpft. Dinge auf die die Schulmedizin damals nur mit der Antibabypille antwortete, konnte ich im Endeffekt mit Naturheilkunde lösen. Gerne möchte ich all das Wissen, das ich auf meinem Weg gesammelt habe mit dir teilen. Schon einigen Frauen konnte ich dazu verhelfen, wieder regelmäßig und schmerzfreier Ihrer Periode zu bekommen sowie schwanger zu werden.



Cupping can influence metabolic performance, blood circulation and muscle tone. Several glasses are placed on the patient's back. The appearance of the cupped area can also serve as an indication for diagnosis.



Cupping can influence metabolic performance, blood circulation and muscle tone. Several glasses are placed on the patient's back. The appearance of the cupped area can also serve as an indication for diagnosis.

Mädchen mit ausgestreckten Armen

Original Energy Code

Original Energy Code is a type of energy work which assumes that unprocessed emotions can get stuck in the body and create energetic imbalances. In the long term, these can be the cause of illnesses. During a Original Energy Code Session subconscious feelings and beliefs are identified and resolved.

Pflanzliche Heilmittel


Herbal medicine is one of the oldest medical therapies in all cultures. Herbal medicines often have fewer side effects than their chemical alternatives. The use of plants is mainly used for mild illnesses such as colds or chronic complaints as well as for the effective regulation of the female cycle.


Schuessler salts

Therapy with Schuessler salts goes back to the homeopathic doctor Wilhelm Heinrich Schüßler (1821–1898), who was convinced that balanced minerals in our bodies are the basis of our health. If the mineral balance is disturbed, the body cells cannot function properly. The consequences are fatigue, hormonal imbalances, malabsorbtion and a wide variety of symptoms. The Schuessler salts contain minerals in homeopathic dilution.


Schuessler salts

Therapy with Schuessler salts goes back to the homeopathic doctor Wilhelm Heinrich Schüßler (1821–1898), who was convinced that balanced minerals in our bodies are the basis of our health. If the mineral balance is disturbed, the body cells cannot function properly. The consequences are fatigue, hormonal imbalances, malabsorbtion and a wide variety of symptoms. The Schuessler salts contain minerals in homeopathic dilution.

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